We're here! In Nashville! Woooohoo! After seven days and so many miles that even my accountant brain doesn't want to quantify, we've moved into our apartment. If you can call sleeping on an air mattress on a concrete floor in the middle of suitcases, bags, and boxes "moved in". I'll spare you the details, but the moving container we packed all of our stuff in to get to Nashville with plenty of time to spare isn't here yet. It's...somewhere. Hopefully it'll get here the beginning of this week. Probably, maybe getting here today or tomorrow. Whomp. Soooo we still have a bunch of unpacking to do sometime in the future. Meanwhile we've legit been camping in our apartment, though without any kitchen gear we're taking the opportunity to check out our new local restaurants, cafes, ice cream places, etc. Silver lining. 🙂
Okay I lied - I couldn't control the accountant impulse. Our exact route took us approximately 2,600 miles. I'll be fine with not sitting in the car for a few days.
All in all, our trip was great! Driving such a long distance instead of flying really gives you a whole different perspective on the U.S. We went through so many different climates, from hot and dry desert (110°F in Arizona!) to arid and dusty New Mexico. We started to see more regular greenery somewhere in central Texas, which more or less continued for the rest of our trip. We stopped in areas of insane humidity (Houston, TX - I'm looking at you) and got to check out the bayou in Louisiana. We then drove through Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee which are green, green, GREEN. Love all the lush trees and rolling hills. Is it wrong to already be looking forward to the fall foliage?
As far as food goes, I don't have much to say for the first portion of the trip through California/Arizona/New Mexico/western Texas (just think highway rest stops) - but WOW what pretty country! Lots and lots and lots of sky.
These next two are from Joshua Tree National Park, in southeast California:
Arizona/New Mexico:
We were on this stretch of road in southern New Mexico for 100 miles:
We also saw signs for the occasional hokey roadside attraction:
We just stopped there for the promise of a DQ, though. The excitement for road trip food really started to set in once we hit Austin, TX. Hellloooooo barbecue!
Since we were only in Austin for 1 ½ days, we opted not to spend a good chunk of it standing in line at the wildly-publicized Franklin BBQ. Instead we ate lunch at Stiles Switch BBQ & Brew. Such a great decision. B chose the beef brisket while I went for the pork spare ribs. I'll tell you that the minute I picked up one of those ribs you see above, all the meat fell off the bone in one fell swoop. (B will tell you I haven't stopped talking about it since). So when we were deciding where to go for dinner that evening, we couldn't get Stiles out of our minds so we changed our clothes and went back again for dinner! Neither time we encountered much of a line, so I'd definitely recommend Stiles should you find yourself in Austin with a hankering for speedy barbecue.
Road trip lesson: Life's too short not to have BBQ twice a day when you're traveling through Austin.
In Austin we also visited Mr. Stevie Ray Vaughan in the park downtown, which was on B's ultra mega life wish list:
After Austin we headed down to Houston to visit a college friend (and eat pho and other Vietnamese treats). Then we kept on rolling down interstate 10 en route to New Orleans. What a city! We stayed in the French Quarter for one night and enjoyed dinner at Tujague's, which touts itself as being the second-oldest restaurant in New Orleans (...even if we have no clue how to pronounce it).
Bourbon Street:
We didn't have time to stop for beignets, but some day, Cafe du Monde. Some day.
After New Orleans, it was a straight shot through Mississippi and Alabama to Nashville, where this is our current set-up:
Luxurious, right? Home sweet home! ...sorta. But we're here safe and sound, so no complaints from me! It may be awhile before I'm up and running again on the blog, but I've got a great blogger-friend-guest-poster coming up later on in the week with a FAB recipe for ya! I can't wait until my kitchen is functional so I can make it myself. 🙂
So, to recap the road trip recap:
Days: 7
Miles: 2,600
States: 8 (CA, AZ, NM, TX, LA, MS, AL, TN)
Number of coffee spills in the car: 3 (1 major)
Times we cleaned the windshield: 800, give or take. The western U.S. is dusty.
Times I walked into a fast food kitchen thinking it was the bathroom: 2. Whoops!
Best drive-thru coffee: Sonic (sooooo good! We stopped here a lot).
Total flights of hotel stairs we hauled a car-full of luggage up + down: 11
Injuries from luggage hauling: 0 (except for one chipped nail)
Road trip soundtrack heavy-hitters: Jason Isbell, Sturgill Simpson, Ryan Bingham, Gary Clark Jr., and Stevie Ray Vaughan.
Regrets: None! 🙂
...except maybe those beignets.
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Rick says
Hi, I did a google search for San Diego to Nashville and your link came up. Now that you have been in Nashville for a few years, how do you like it compared to SD? We live in coastal north county and have the opportunity to move to Franklin. We'd appreciate your views. Thanks! Rick
Alyssa says
Hi Rick, we still really like Nashville! It's very very different in many ways from where you are now, from culture to scenery to cost of living, so I definitely would take a visit or two before making a decision. Franklin has a scenic downtown area and great schools. It's kind of the best of both worlds in that there's a lot of open space, while being 30 minutes to both downtown Nashville and the airport. Nashville is still growing by the day and with it comes excellent restaurants, events, etc. We still really love San Diego (especially coastal north county - beautiful), but the cost of living difference made up our minds for us. Good luck with your decision!
Annie @Maebells says
I totally missed this...Welcome to Tennessee!! I live just outside of Nashville, and I work in the city a couple days a week. It is a fun town! However, I am kind of partial, I realllllly love living in the south! Bring on the sweet tea! 😉
Alyssa says
Thanks so much, Annie!! How funny you're right here! This is our first time living in the south...we've lived in the northeast, the west, and now here! We love it so far - it's felt so comfortable from the get-go. And sweet tea! That's something I've never experienced before! Haha I'm loving tasting and trying out southern food! It's all been delicious! 🙂
Kelly says
Wow, what a great trip Alyssa, I'm so glad you made it there safely and hope you stuff gets there quickly. I love the photos. So glad you had a memorable and safe trip to your new home and enjoy getting settled in 🙂
Alyssa says
Thanks so much, Kelly! We had a great time meandering throughout the South, and we're even more excited to finish unpacking and setting everything up to make this apartment feel like home! 🙂
Helen @ Scrummy Lane says
What a treat to read all about your trip here, Alyssa!
I can't believe you were on that road for 100 miles (it really looks a lot like Greece in the summer, actually, with all those dry mountains).
Totally agree with your road trip food philosophy, too ... I would probably have gone back to that BBQ place for breakfast, too!
Good luck with all the unpacking and establishing. I know how it feels! In the meantime, keep enjoying all those fab new restaurants! 🙂
Alyssa says
Thanks Helen! That was the road that seemed like it would never end! We barely even passed a soul. It was incredibly scenic but I was saying a little prayer that our GPS (and our atlas for that matter) wasn't sending us off our path! Haha. And we have no regrets about double barbecue. We're still dreaming about it! 🙂 And thank you, we're making great strides with unpacking...probably because I'm so eager to cart all the cardboard boxes out to recycling!
Tracey says
What a great trip that must have been! And can I just say that you are totally adorable!? Glad you've made it safe and sound and that you're getting settled into your new place! Enjoy!
Alyssa says
Haha thanks Tracey! We're so glad we made the big trek!
Kathi @ Deliciously Yum! says
I absolutely love this recap, Alyssa, It sure looks like you had a great time moving from one place to the next! I am so feeling you on eating BBQ twice in one day... when in Texas ;). Also, you are totally rocking those cowboy boots!
I have always wanted to visit New Orleans for said beignets at Café du Monde - definitely a bucket list item for me. So excited to read about everything Nashville. I hear it's a great city!!
Alyssa says
Thanks Kathi! We had a blast road tripping. Yup - when in Texas! That was our mantra, too. And thanks for the compliment on the boots. 🙂 New Orleans was such a fun city (at least from what we could tell from the one night we stayed there, anyway). We're already planning a return trip to spend a few more days - and we won't leave without beignets! I can't wait to explore more of Nashville. We've been here for a week and our list of places to check out has just grown and grown!
Chris @ Shared Appetite says
Wow, that's one crazy road trip! So glad you made it to Nashville... sans all your stuff! Isnt' that the way it always goes... you plan perfectly, and then the moving container still doesn't show up on time! Loving that you stopped in Austin for some 'cue!!!
Alyssa says
Thanks Chris! Austin was quite a treat with the BBQ. If we had stayed any longer and enjoyed even more BBQ, I don't know if we would have fit back in the car. It was a tight squeeze in the first place! And yup, what's a move without unexpected twists and turns?? Haha I know you can relate!
Anna Johnston says
Oh I LOVE this post so much, what a treat to share your adventures to your new home.... High fives, fist bumps & happy dancing to being all moved in, it really is one of the best feelings when you lie in bed that first night in your new home, even if the bed is an air mattress amongst the boxes. 🙂
Adore those boots, the planning for my next birthday have begun (7 months away - OCD much with the planning) and Im having a traditional barn dance, those boots would be perfect, where does a gal find a pair like that? Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday lovely. 🙂
Alyssa says
Haha thank you, Anna! High fives and fist bumps right back! 🙂 It's a great feeling to be in a new space, and I love putting it together (now that our stuff is here - YAY). Your next birthday sounds SO FUN! I got the boots at a store here in the U.S. called Boot Barn (though I ordered them online). They have a ton of boots and I believe they ship internationally, though I'm unsure of add'l costs. I hope you had a wonderful day, too. 🙂
Anna Johnston says
Boot Barn.... On it, thank you so much lovely. 🙂 Heading over for a sneeky peak now.
Enjoy making your house a home, and your weekend too. 🙂
Consuelo - Honey & Figs says
Ooohhh it looks like you had a lovely time! Road-travelling the US must be amazing, I'm so jealous now! 😉 Hope you get your stuff back soon c:
Alyssa says
Thanks Consuelo! It was a unique experience - that's for sure! 🙂
Danielle says
That's a lot of miles to drive girl! I'd probably go crazy trying to sit in the car that long, but I'm sure it was fun to see new places. Hopefully your stuff gets to you soon!
Alyssa says
Haha thanks Danielle! I'd never taken a multi-day road trip before, so I was a little apprehensive of sitting in the car for-EVER. It wasn't too bad! It helps if you have plenty of good music and you like your company! 🙂
Cindy @ Pick Fresh Foods says
Awesome! I so glad you made it and hope you stuff gets there quickly. I love/hate driving across the country. It is just amazing how the scenery and landscape can change so quickly from place to place. However being in the car for days on end gets old fast. Good to know Sonic has good coffee. I'll keep that in mind 😀 I love your photos.
Alyssa says
Thanks Cindy! I had never taken such a long road trip before. I imagine you'd have taken a few (or more than a few!) - it's a lot of work! We entertained ourselves by judging the 'drive-thru awards' because we stopped so often. I'm partial to McDonald's coffee, but Sonic was a pleasant surprise!
Lynette says
Great recap Alyssa! Great memories for you both!
Alyssa says
Thanks! 🙂
Deb says
Happy landing! What a trip! One of my favorite places on earth is New Mexico. I swear there is magic in the desert air!
Alyssa says
Thank you Deb! I really didn't know what to except from New Mexico (except for some dust), but the scenery! Incredible. Especially Lincoln National Forest - a hidden gem (for us, at least). Tall, lush pine trees everywhere!
Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic says
Beautiful pics! Congrats on arriving and good luck with unpacking! I love that you ate BBQ twice in a day. And definitely go back to New Orleans for Cafe Du Monde beignets!! Totally worth any trip 🙂
Alyssa says
Thanks Bianca! We laughed at ourselves but we had to have BBQ twice in one day, from the same place no less. When in Austin... 🙂 We plan to visit New Orleans again when we have a little more time to spend. Beignets are SO happening then! Glad to hear they're worth it!
Terri says
Now that's a great road trip! So glad you had a memorable and safe trip to your new home! Enjoy this new chapter in your life and can't wait to read your next blog!
Alyssa says
Thanks Terri! It was certainly a journey, but I'm so glad we did it. A little bit tiring, but worth it. 🙂